White Lotus

The Water Tribes

Northern Water Tribe
The Northern Water Tribe is a majestic and resilient civilization located at the North Pole, encased within towering walls of ice. This tribe thrives in one of the most extreme environments in the world, surrounded by vast, frozen tundras and icy waters. Their city is a breathtaking sight, with grand palaces and elegant homes carved from glistening blue ice, interconnected by canals that serve as the main thoroughfares.

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Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:12 am
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Southern Water Tribe
The Southern Water Tribe is composed of several smaller villages scattered across the Antarctic region. These villages are characterized by their practical igloos and communal longhouses, reflecting the tribe’s emphasis on family and cooperation. The harsh climate and rugged landscape foster a strong sense of community and resilience among the Southern Water Tribe members. The tribe maintains its cultural heritage through storytelling, music, and traditional waterbending practices.

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The Water Tribes

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